Invalid form.The Seffner Christian Athletic Booster is a non-profit, volunteer organization of parents, alumni, and other community members who have an interest in supporting the Seffner Christian Academy Athletic Programs. Our primary purpose is fundraising to support SCA athletic programs, providing volunteers for sporting events and promoting school spirit through sports. The money raised by this booster club is used to support athletic needs outside of the SCA Athletic Department budget.
Seffner Christian Athletic Booster recognizes that strong athletic programs are a vital component to growing and nourishing the SCA community. SC Athletic Booster strives to support SCA athletic and academic excellence, create a winning SADER WAY spirit, promote team unity and maintain the history and tradition of excellence for all student athletes at Seffner Christian Academy.
In order to strengthen the athletic programs and create opportunities for our student athletes, we encourage parents, alumni, and community members to join the Seffner Christian Athletic Booster.